If you think C4D's viewport is THAT slow, then please read this first and try and help yourself out. Over the last few years, in between cursing and sending feature requests to Maxon I've forced myself to learn to embrace, understand and workaround what at first seems like a lot of toys that you can't play with at the same time. After realising most users don't even use layers, I decided to spend a few days putting this together as a resource - so hopefully some won't have to go through the same issues as I did!
I'm no programmer so this is 9 pages of practical layman's information, calculation explanations, proxy setup, layers, new xpresso nodes. There's a lot of stuff!
Please let me know what you think, please don't hesitate to send me any corrections or extra info and I'll add it! I have a few things lined to add already including some Preferences settings to be aware of, as well as a couple of plugins/scripts, this will grow into an even better resource over time.
Special thanks to Niklas Rosenstein for the great new Layer Access node used in the article. It has changed my life and should help you too.
Cheers, Matt